
Transport Companies can be added to our directory and network

If you have a transport company we would love to hear from you. We can connect you to clients looking to book ground transport services and help you promote your services to new clients. It's completely free and you can build a company profile that's customised with all your information and photos, as well as a back link to your website. As soon as you're part of our transport directory and network you can start receiving quote requests from tourism professionals and private clients.

Click here to start your partnership with Rentautobus

Transport Networks

If you run a nationwide network of chauffeur driven transport companies we would love to discuss a collaboration with you. Through our site you can generate extra work for your national affiliates, and we'll support you with our client base, SEO and technology. We don't’t have a fixed partnership scheme or format yet but are open to discussing how we can work together to increase business for your transport network.

Travel Agents

If you are a travel agent we can provide a sophisticated tool that saves you time and money when arranging ground transport. Our dedicated customer service team can assist you in getting quotes for ground transport services in sixteen different countries.

Travel professionals like travel agents enjoy special benefits from using our service. We value their repeat business and offer additional services for travel professionals. These include price check, priority customer service, tour suggestions database, and a post again service. Furthermore, you'll receive better prices from our transport partners because they are always eager to work with travel professionals.

Go here to register as a travel professional. Read more about the benefits for travel agents and other travel professionals.